Sunday, July 26, 2015

And So It Begins...

So I am not fully on board with this whole tiny house craze everyone keeps liking on buzzfeed and pining about.  Yes, it is cool that you can build an entire house on a trailer bed and the air freshener crystals make your composting toilet smell like strawberry fields in May but I have this sinking suspicion this is the new housing hipster craze.  

Remember in college that guy who "lived" or should I say "haunted" the single room in your dorm? You know, Karl with a K who always had Doritos stained fingers, Meatloaf styled hair (the singer not the timeless entree), and smelled of Mountain Dew and World of Warcraft sex?  It seems like as houses get smaller the more we start sounding looking like Karl if he decided to shave the ferret growing beneath his chin and grow a Super Troopers mustache.  Maybe that is a little harsh.  And maybe a little hypocritical as I also dwell in a miniature abode.  

Here are some differences between the video gamer Karl is, the "off the grid" adobe tiny house hipsters you just pinned, and myself:

1.  Like Karl, I play an extensive amount of video games.
2.  Unlike the rain water outdoor shower of an average tiny house, I have a nice heated tiled shower which unlike Karl, I use frequently.
3.  Unlike the pasty semitransparent Karl, I am required by work to enjoy the great outdoors which means putting down the controller, picking up an hammock, or hiking the property (I will blog about work later).
4.  Where some of these tiny house types have become nomadic and travel from place to place, my house is parked where I work.  

Something you should understand:  The first thing that was furnished in my house was my living room with recliner couch and Ikea TV stand which now houses my xbox one and PS4. Priorities people.  Priorities.   

This blog is meant to document my adventures living small, and gaming big.  Stay tuned for more.  In weeks installment I will be discussing the interwebs, summer camp, and fisticuffs.  
